How to Prevent Kitchen Fires

There are a lot of things that go on in the kitchen, but fires don’t have to be one of them. Kitchens have all the ingredients for a fire to break out, however. There’s a supply of flame, grease, water, and electricity. With all of these elements present and in constant use in the kitchen, the best way to prevent kitchen fires is to be aware. Be aware of the potential risks while in the kitchen to protect your family and home. Here are three things to do in the kitchen to prevent kitchen fires.

Keep Your Eye on the Stove

First of all, try not to leave cooking food unattended. This can be difficult when multitasking, but it’s important. By leaving food unattended you run a higher risk of something boiling over, burning, or an object near the stove catching fire. Being conscious of what is going on in the kitchen will make for a safer kitchen. Burning food in ovens can be avoided. Things boiling over on the stove doesn’t need to happen. A haphazardly placed oven mitt or dish towel needn’t catch flame. Being watchful in the kitchen will make for a safer environment for you and your food.

Watch out for Grease and Oil

Grease and oil in the kitchen pose a constant risk of fire. Make sure you clean your kitchen, especially the stove, regularly to avoid grease build-up. Grease build-up on a stove only needs a stray flame to ignite. Regular grease removal will make your stove a much safer place to cook. Cooking with oil is also a cause of kitchen fire. While cooking with oil, in large and small amounts, be attentive. Make sure your oil doesn’t get too hot, that you use the correct amount in the right size pan, and keep water away! Using oil that is too hot or not using the right sized pan can ignite the oil from the below flame. If water comes into contact with hot oil, the oil will splatter. Oil splatter can cause serious burns and can make the stove catch fire.

Keep Electric Appliances Away from Water

Electricity and water are not friends. If you are using a hand mixer, blender, food processor, or any other kitchen appliance, make sure that the plug is dry and there is no splashing water near the outlet. Kitchens tend to have drier and wetter areas. Try to keep all of your electric appliances out of the wet areas. This will also keep them cleaner.

Not all kitchen fires can be prevented, but employing safer practices can prevent a lot. Being safe in the kitchen is important for your family and home. Keep your kitchen as safe as possible by improving your kitchen safety measures. Let it be a place your friends and family can gather safely for years to come. Be aware of the potential risks, address them, and then enjoy the good food that comes out of it. American Fire and Water Restoration is here to help when fires do break out. If you have had a kitchen fire, give us a call at (847) 514-9305.

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